US expert says pandemic is far from over

US expert says pandemic is far from over

A top US infectious disease expert has said that the coronavirus outbreak turned to be his “worst nightmare,” and that the fight against its spread is far from over.

Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, made the remarks Tuesday during a virtual appearance at the BIO Digital health-care conference.


“In a period of four months, it has devastated the whole world,” Fauci said. “And it isn’t over yet. And it’s condensed in a very, very small time frame.”

Commenting on vaccine trials of several countries to cure coronavirus, Fauci said there will be more than one winner in the vaccine field due to the global demand. “So I’m almost certain that we’re going to have multiple candidates that make it to the goal line get approved and get widely used.”

The industry “has been stellar in this and that they’ve done it so rapidly, in fact, even outpaced the public health response, in some respect,” Fauci said.

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