UK’s infection rate is frightening EU

UK's infection rate is frightening EU

The UK has reported 13,759 deaths so far with the number of confirmed cases crossing 104,000.

The daily government figures only include deaths in hospitals, and there are now calls for providing a daily death toll at elderly care homes.

Around 620 deaths have taken place there in recent weeks, according to care home operators, but government figures have only put the toll at 237 over the past two weeks.


The government has been criticized for taking measures very late compared to other European countries, and some experts suggest the death toll could pass 20,000 by the end of April.

The British newspaper Daily Mail has a very prominent title on the pandemic. In a press conference, Austrian Health Minister Rudolf Anschober displayed graphs showing the UK’s new cases were head and shoulders above other nations. Tabloid called him “The Sick Man Of Europe”.

The minister highlighted the rapid growth in UK cases – presenting a chart showing the average daily growth in infections over the last 10 days, on which Austria performed best and Britain worst.

“That’s what’s frightening a lot of people on a European level at the moment, that’s the figure in Britain of 7.5 per cent,” he said, according to the Daily Mail.

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