Türkiye rejects claims that one of its helicopters crashed in Iraq

Sources say there is no helicopter flight in Duhok belonging to Turkish Armed Forces.

A picture showing parts of helicopter crashed in Duhok region. Source: Twitter

Breaking News Turkey and agencies

The Turkish National Defense Ministry rejected claims Wednesday that one of its helicopters crashed in northern Iraq.

Some websites and social media accounts close to terror groups claimed that a helicopter belonging to the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) crashed in the Duhok region.​​​​​​​

Ankara rejects the claims

Ministerial sources said the claim was completely untrue and there was no helicopter flight in the region belonging to the TAF.

Meanwhile, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) said in its statement that some of those who were in the helicopter that crashed in Duhok yesterday were members of the terrorist organization PKK.

PKK militants are among the dead

“Initial findings indicate that the helicopter was of the Eurocopter AS350 type and some of the dead were PKK militants,” said the statement.

A detailed investigation continues to determine exactly who the helicopter belongs to.

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