PKK supporters attack Turkish opposition party members

PKK supporters attack Turkish opposition party members

A group of PKK terror group supporters raided a Republic Day event hosted by Turkey’s main opposition party in northern Switzerland.


Engin Ozkoc, deputy parliamentary group chair of Republican People’s Party (CHP), and Istanbul head of the party, Canan Kaftancioglu, arrived in the country upon the invitation of CHP Switzerland Association, according to the information obtained by Anadolu Agency.

As the event was about to begin, PKK supporters arrived at the event hall in the Grenchen municipality in the canton of Solothurn and occupied the stand.

PKK supporters attack Turkish opposition party members WATCH

A group of 10 – 15 PKK supporters opened a rag that bore a photograph of the terror group’s ringleader, Abdullah Ocalan, and started to argue with CHP members.

Hundreds of CHP members were held outside of the hall as a security measure.

The event started with a delay after police officers took the pro-terror individuals out of the hall.

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