EU lawmakers condemns Trump’s so-called peace plan

EU lawmakers condemns Trump’s so-called peace plan

Members of the European Parliament voiced harsh criticism for the so-called US Middle East ‘peace’ plan during a plenary session Tuesday.

The overwhelming majority of EU lawmakers agreed US President Donald Trump’s plan goes against international law and is biased towards Israel.


“The proposal clearly challenges the internationally agreed parameters” of a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, EU’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said. “It’s difficult to see how it can bring both sides to the table.”

Borrell acknowledged the plan could be a starting point for peace negotiations but he clearly denied it can be an endpoint for a long-term solution in the Middle East. He said most EU member states did not even consider the plan.

Dutch social democrat lawmaker Kati Piri called Trump’s plan “one-sided, illegal“a good starting point.” and intentionally provocative,” that aims at “legalizing settlement and annexation of the West Bank” and risks bringing “more suffering for the Palestinian people.”

MEP Hilde Vautmans said the plan is a “one-state solution.” The Belgian centrist-liberal politician urged the EU to use its “credibility to intervene as an honest broker” and suggested Borrell initiate a peace conference.

Trump proposed an independent Palestinian state but with the recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the West Bank and Jerusalem as Israel’s “undivided capital”.

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