Crowded pool party sparks coronavirus fears in US

Crowded pool party sparks coronavirus fears in US

Americans sunbathed on beaches, fished from boats and strolled on boardwalks this holiday weekend, even as the US death toll from coronavirus fast approaches 100,000.


The Memorial Day weekend that signals the start of the US summer is normally a time when cemeteries across the nation fill with American flags and ceremonies to remember those who died in US wars.

Crowded pool party sparks coronavirus fears in US WATCH

A video posted by a reporter shows partiers crowded together in a pool at the Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri, this Memorial Day weekend.

The Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri hosted a pool party on Sunday that was far from socially distanced, despite the ongoing pandemic.

Video showed parties in other states where people crowded into pools and clubs elbow-to-elbow.

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