Britain’s Johnson announces UK set to ban Huawei from 5G

Britain’s Johnson announces UK set to ban Huawei from 5G

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is set to ban Huawei from Britain’s 5G network on Tuesday, angering China but delighting US President Donald Trump by signaling that the world’s biggest telecoms equipment maker is no longer welcome in the West.


The United States has pushed Johnson to reverse his January decision to grant Huawei a limited role in 5G, while London has been dismayed by a crackdown in Hong Kong and the perception China did not tell the whole truth over the coronavirus.

Now, as Britain prepares to cast off from the European Union, Johnson will risk the ire of the world’s second largest economy by ordering a purge of Huawei equipment which the United States says could be used to spy on the West.

Britain’s National Security Council (NSC), chaired by Johnson, will meet on Tuesday morning to discuss Huawei. Media Secretary Oliver Dowden will then announce a decision to the House of Commons at around 1130 GMT.

The immediate excuse for the about turn in policy is the impact of new U.S. sanctions on chip technology, which London says affects Huawei’s ability to remain a reliable supplier.

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