French foreign minister criticizes UK on Brexit efforts

French foreign minister criticizes UK on Brexit efforts

In a Monday televised press conference, France’s Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian was quick to take the UK to task in their handling of negotiations with the EU over Brexit, naming the UK’s conduct as unsound and difficult.


“The negotiations are not progressing because of the intransigent and quite frankly unrealistic attitude of the United Kingdom,” Le Drian said at the podium, accompanied by his German counterpart Heiko Maas.

The comments were made in a speech to the ambassadors of France in Europe, after the conclusion of the Ambassadors Conference in Paris — an annual meeting held to discuss issues of great importance throughout the bloc.

The ongoing novel coronavirus pandemic has thrown a monkey wrench into negotiations, and Le Drian’s remarks highlight the difficulties that have taken place with the talks although the EU and UK are obliged to wrap up negotiations ahead of the Dec. 31 deadline.

The major stumbling block for the two sides: competition and trade. Multitudinous issues surrounding social, environmental, fiscal, and state matters remain part of the discussions that need to be hammered out.

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