Arab League says relations with Türkiye improved

Aboul-Gheit said they are observing an improvement in Arab-Turkish relations

The head of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul-Gheit, announced on Wednesday that there has been an improvement in Arab-Turkish relations.

Speaking at the conclusion of the 160th session meeting of foreign ministers in Cairo, he mentioned that the Arab Ministerial Council had conducted a series of meetings concerning Türkiye, Iran, and the Palestinian cause.

Aboul-Gheit stated that they are closely monitoring the evolving relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, as well as Iran and other Arab countries.

“We are monitoring the development of relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia and between Iran and the Arab countries,” he said.

He also noted that there is notable progress in relations between Türkiye and Arab nations, highlighting the increasing cooperation with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, as well as the restoration of relations with Egypt.

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